Terms of sale

Conditions of access to the Web and general contracting conditions.

The references and mentions made to the set of conditions and terms set out below shall be made as GTC, and shall be applicable to professionals and companies that acquire the products for resale or distribution or for any other area of their business or professional activity, (hereinafter, by both and indistinctly, ‘Merchant’).

  • 1.Company information.
    In compliance with the provisions of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, IberEngine, S.L. (hereinafter, IberEngine) is the owner of the website www.iberengine.es. IberEngine's registered office is located in the city of Móstoles, at calle Puerto Guadarrama 10, and it is registered in the Companies Register of Madrid, Volume 21432, Book 0, Folio 197, Section 8, Page M-381187 and its VAT number is B84363043. To contact our company you can write to Puerto Guadarrama 10 - 28935 Móstoles (Madrid), or send a message to info@iberengine.es.
  • 2. Privacy & Security Policy.
    • 2.1 Privacy.
      IberEngine guarantees the privacy of the personal data provided, according to the LOPD. The visit to this website does not imply that the user is obliged to provide any information about himself, however during the visit it is possible that personal data may be requested. This data will be used to answer the request made by you and to send the same, will also be used to send you information about our company and services by any means of communication, by sending this form you are explicitly accepting the receipt of the same, In the event that you do not wish to receive our information, you only have to send an e-mail requesting to unsubscribe from the information service to IberEngine, Legal Department, calle Puerto Guadarrama, 10 - 28935 Móstoles (Madrid), your personal data will form part of the customer file, whose recipient and responsible for the file and its processing is: IberEngine, at Puerto Guadarrama, 10 - 28935 Móstoles (Madrid), where you may exercise your rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, by writing to the above address including a copy of your ID card or equivalent identification documents.

      Refusal to provide the data will result in the non-provision or impossibility of accessing the service for which they were requested. You have the right to receive a reply to any question, query or clarification arising from this form. In the event that you provide your data through an e-mail message, it will form part of the same file, the purpose of which will be the management of the request or comment you make to us, with the rest of the points indicated in the previous paragraph being applicable. All your data will be definitively removed from our database for the following reasons: 1º- at your request. 2º- when they are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected. The parties submit, at their choice, for the resolution of conflicts and renouncing any other jurisdiction, to the courts and tribunals of the domicile of the owner of the website.
    • 2.2. Security.
      The Merchant undertakes to diligently keep the ‘username’ and ‘password’ provided by IberEngine when registering as a user of the www.iberengine.es website.

      The Merchant shall be liable for any damages that may arise from improper or negligent use of the user name and password provided, and the Merchant shall be liable for all damages that may be caused by not immediately informing IberEngine of any fraudulent or unauthorised use of its user name and password.
  • 3. Intellectual and industrial property.
    The creations, designs, logos, graphics, drawings, icons, the IberEngine brand, other distinctive signs or any other content displayed on the www.iberengine.es website are subject to intellectual and industrial property rights belonging to IberEngine or to third parties who have duly authorised their inclusion or use by IberEngine.

    Under no circumstances shall it be understood that any licence is granted or that any waiver, transfer, total or partial assignment of said rights is made, nor shall any right or expectation of right be conferred, and in particular, of alteration, exploitation, reproduction, distribution or public communication of said contents without the prior express written authorisation of IberEngine or of the corresponding owners.

    In particular, it should be noted that IberEngine and the IberEngine logo are registered trademarks in Spain and are owned by IberEngine. The use of this trademark requires the express written authorisation of IberEngine. Unauthorised use of this trademark or other trademarks belonging to IberEngine or to third parties who have authorised their use by IberEngine may be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. To request such authorisation in writing, please contact IberEngine's Legal Department at the above address.

    Likewise, unless expressly authorised in writing, it is expressly forbidden to introduce hyperlinks or links for commercial purposes on websites belonging to third parties that allow access to all or part of the content hosted on the website www.iberengine.es, and IberEngine shall not be held responsible for the content that may be on the websites of said third parties under any circumstances.
  • 4. General Conditions of Purchase.
    • 4.1. General.
      These general terms and conditions of purchase (GTC) are the only ones applicable to purchases made through www.iberengine.es, and shall apply to all purchases made by Merchants.

      The GTC will come into force for each of the purchases that take place from and from the time of publication of the same on the website www.iberengine.es, not being applicable to purchases concluded prior to the indicated time. Each purchase made through the website www.iberengine.es will be governed by the general conditions applicable to the date of the order, at which time the purchase contract will be considered to be completed.

      By placing an order, the Merchant expressly and unreservedly accepts the GTC set out in this section, as well as those set out in the preceding sections, without prejudice to any other forms of acceptance that the Merchant may express tacitly or expressly during the process of ordering, registering or using the www.iberengine.es website.
    • 4.2. Price information and product specifications.
      The information on prices and specifications of the products appearing in our product directories or catalogues is provided for information purposes only, and the prices and specifications shown are subject to change. In any case, the prices shown on the website www.iberengine.es will only be valid for purchases made through said website, and are therefore not applicable to any other purchases made in our premises or establishments or through channels other than the one established for said website.
      Therefore, the price and specifications of the product to be taken into account will be those shown at the time of placing the order, and under no circumstances will the prices and specifications of the products offered on this website after or before the time of placing the order be applicable.
      Likewise, the price offered through www.iberengine.es does not include transport costs or special taxes, duties, tariffs or any other local taxes payable by the Merchant in accordance with the applicable legislation, and IberEngine shall not be responsible for them under any circumstances unless expressly stated in the corresponding order.
    • 4.3 Placing the order and formalising the sale and purchase.
      To place an order it is necessary to access the website www.iberengine.es and register as a Merchant, filling in the electronic form provided for this purpose in accordance with the instructions indicated for this purpose.

      After registration and following the necessary steps indicated, the Merchant will accept the order for the items and products previously selected.

      Acceptance of the order by the Merchant expressly implies knowledge of and agreement with these GTC, at which point the purchase contract between the Merchant and IberEngine is formalised and governed by these GTC.

      Any unilateral condition or unilateral mention introduced by the Merchant when placing the order or communicated by any other written or electronic means shall be deemed not to have been placed, unless it has been expressly accepted in writing by IberEngine. Consequently, none of the general terms and conditions contained in this document may be limited, modified or deleted without the prior express written acceptance of IberEngine. In particular, any stipulations or requirements introduced by the Merchant that may in any way imply for IberEngine the establishment of obligations or duties additional to those expressly set out in these GTC shall be deemed not to have been put into effect.
    • 4.4. Availability of the products included in the order, payment and delivery times.
      • 4.4.1.
        The selection of products included in the order will be valid as long as the selected products are in stock, in which case, and once the payment and other steps necessary to finalise the purchase have been completed, the order will be delivered within the period indicated when placing the order.
      • 4.4.2.
        IberEngine offers several payment methods that can be used by the Merchants according to the indications and conditions indicated for each of them at any given time.
      • 4.4.3.
        In case of total or partial unavailability of the products once the order has been placed, IberEngine will ship the remaining products and issue a credit for the value of the unavailable product(s). This credit may be deducted from the payment of the next order placed by the Merchant provided that the total of the new order is equal to or greater than the value of the credit.
      • 4.4.4.
        However, it should be noted that the delivery times indicated on the website www.iberengine. es are for guidance only, and IberEngine is committed to complying with them, although, due to ordinary circumstances in the management and organisation of stocks and the volume of customer shipments, these deadlines may be subject to change, and under no circumstances shall delays in delivery with respect to the deadlines indicated give the Merchant any right to claim any indemnity or compensation whatsoever derived directly or indirectly from the delay in delivery, except in those cases in which the delay is of such a nature that it may be considered a breach of contract.

        It is also noted that IberEngine will not ship any product as long as IberEngine has not received from the Merchant the amount corresponding to the price, taxes, transport costs or any other costs associated with the order, and IberEngine reserves the right to cancel the order at any time after 72 hours have elapsed since the placing of the corresponding order without receiving the indicated amounts.

        IberEngine expressly reserves the ownership of the delivered products until full payment of the sales price, interest, expenses, taxes, fees or any other amounts associated with the corresponding order.
    • 4.5. Cancellation of orders.
      The Merchant may cancel an order as long as the order status is confirmed. It will not be possible to cancel an order as soon as its status is changed to ‘In preparation’.
    • 4.6 Delivery.
      Delivery is considered to have taken place as soon as the product is placed at the disposal of the Merchant by the carrier at the address indicated and the addressee or person at the same address signs for acceptance of delivery. Once the order has been received, it is the obligation of the Merchant to verify that the products received correspond to his order, and to express within 24 hours of delivery, all the reservations and claims that may be justified, and in particular, the damages and flaws that may be appreciated visually or without the need to test the functioning of the products delivered. After this period has elapsed without any reservations having been made, IberEngine shall not be liable for any damage to the products delivered during transport.

      In the event that the Merchant prevents, refuses or fails to take delivery, the Merchant shall bear the costs of return and reshipment postage, unless delivery was not possible for reasons not attributable to the Merchant.
    • 4.7 Right of withdrawal.
      • 4.7.1.
        The Merchant may request the return of the product within 14 calendar days of receipt of the product using the return form provided on the Website.
      • 4.7.2.
        The Merchant shall pay the direct costs of return and indemnify for any damage caused by wilful or negligent damage to the product.
        In order to return the goods, they must be in perfect condition, with no signs of having been used, with all their accessories complete, as well as their original packaging and labelling intact.
      • 4.7.3.
        In case of return by a carrier the Merchant shall ensure that the original manufacturer's packaging is not damaged, altered or deteriorated in any way.
      • 4.7.4.
        IberEngine, itself or through third parties, reserves the right to carry out a preliminary analysis of the goods before accepting such a return.

        IberEngine will not accept returns if the product is not in perfect condition, nor those that are freight collect.

        In any case, products that are subject to market fluctuations beyond the seller's control; products that have been developed, modified or customised for the Merchant; products purchased with the ICAE armourer serial number marking customisation service; products that were specifically ordered for the user; all consumables; all Airsoft guns as well as all parts or pieces intended for repairs or modifications not carried out by the official iberEngine Technical Service will be excluded from the possibility of return, given their special characteristics.
      • 4.7.5.
        The Merchant may return the goods through a transport company at its own expense, without IberEngine being under any obligation to accept the postage that is sent under the freight forwarding method or any other method that implies a disbursement by IberEngine, and may, at its choice, refuse the postage or accept it by withholding the amount corresponding to the postage from the price to be returned to the user.

        Returns shall be sent to calle Puerto Gaudarrama, 10 - 28935 Móstoles, including on the outside of the package in a clear and visible manner the return number or reference provided by IberEngine.
      • 4.7.6.
        Upon receipt of the product, IberEngine shall examine its content in order to verify its perfect condition for acceptance. The receipt of the returned goods does not in any case imply acceptance or conformity of the condition of the goods and IberEngine shall have a period of 15 days to notify the Merchant of any damage or defects in the product for which the Merchant is responsible. The amounts paid by the Merchant will be returned in the form of a ‘Credit’ to be deducted from the payment of the next order placed by the Merchant.
    • 4.8 Guarantees.
      • 4.8.1. Products with warranty provided by the manufacturer or official distributor of the products.
        When there are causes of non-conformity with products supplied by IberEngine that have a warranty offered by the manufacturer or distributor of such products with a scope not less than that established in the Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of 16 November, which approves the revised text of the General Law for the Defence of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws, such products shall be sent directly to the manufacturer or distributor in accordance with the procedures provided by them, said products shall be sent directly to the manufacturer or distributor in accordance with the procedures provided by them, without IberEngine being liable under any circumstances to the Merchant or their customers for any damages arising from the lack of conformity of the products supplied by IberEngine to the Merchant.

        Consequently, IberEngine will not be responsible for any product that has the aforementioned warranty, being the Merchant or the customer of the Merchant, who shall be responsible for sending the product in question to the manufacturer or distributor in accordance with the procedures and instructions indicated by them.
      • 4.8.2.
        The products purchased by the Merchant which do not have the guarantee referred to in the previous section shall be guaranteed for one year from the date of delivery to the Merchant in all cases in which the product does not conform. If replacement parts or products are not available, IberEngine may use or provide new or equivalent components or products in accordance with industry standards and practices.

        IberEngine reserves the right to return the product to the manufacturer for repair or replacement as appropriate. After the expiry of the aforementioned period, the Merchant shall be liable at his own risk and expense for the guarantee of these products against third parties.

        Without prejudice to the observance of the instructions and recommendations established by the manufacturer of the product, the Merchant shall inform IberEngine of the lack of conformity of the product as soon as it becomes aware of it, and in any case no later than two months after the circumstances giving rise to the lack of conformity have become apparent, without IberEngine being liable for any damage or loss caused by the lack of conformity after the expiry of this period.

        All products sent to the technical service under the warranty conditions must be sent carriage paid by the Merchant and always after an RMA number has been assigned. No product sent carriage paid or without an RMA number will be received.
      • 4.8.3.
        IberEngine shall not be liable for any of the products detailed in the previous section that have been used without observing the instruction manual or installation, configuration or safety procedures provided by the manufacturer, nor when the product has been manipulated by persons outside IberEngine.

        As a consequence of the above, the warranty offered by IberEngine with respect to the items detailed in the previous section shall be void when the product is damaged or defective due to the occurrence of any or some of the following circumstances: improper knocks and/or transport by the carrier contracted by the Merchant or by third parties unrelated to IberEngine; faulty installation and/or installation errors; connection and/or installation of peripheral elements that are not compatible with the product; connection of the device to an inappropriate voltage or power supply network; power surge; handling by personnel other than the technical service authorised by IberEngine: tampering with any identification or control seal or label attached to the product; fault or negligence of the Merchant or third parties external to IberEngine; normal wear and tear due to the use of the product; damage due to external phenomena and/or accidents occurring while the product is at the disposal of the Merchant or third parties external to IberEngine; damage caused by humidity or other environmental conditions other than those existing in a normal and adequate office or home environment; incidents due to problems with the Merchant's or user's software or with computer viruses, and in general due to acts of God and force majeure.

        Likewise, all products purchased by the Merchant as spare parts are excluded from the warranty, being understood as all those parts or components that are integrated in a product, intended to replace, in case of breakdown or wear, another part or component of a certain product, machine, apparatus or instrument. In this regard, the Merchant expressly accepts that such purchases will be made without any guarantee from IberEngine, and therefore the Merchant assumes, at its own risk, all liability to third parties arising as a result of the lack of conformity of such spare parts.
      • 4.8.4.
        All those consumable or temporary use products, that is to say, those that in use produce a depreciation of the same, among others and by way of example, gas canisters, Co2 bottles, ammunition (BBs), batteries, etc.... IberEngine does not offer any guarantee in relation to these products.
      • 4.8.5.
        With regard to the products referred to in section 4.8.2. above, any repair of the same must be expressly authorised in advance by IberEngine in the form and manner indicated to the Merchant, following the indications and instructions that appear for this purpose on the website www.iberengine.es, or in accordance with the indications provided to the Merchant from the email address info@iberengine.es.

        In order to facilitate the repair authorisation and the corresponding repair work, the Merchant shall submit a copy of the invoice as well as a detailed description of the defects or reasons for the cause of non-conformity, providing at all times such information or data on the defects or reasons for non-conformity as IberEngine or third parties authorised by IberEngine may request for the aforementioned purposes.

        The Merchant shall hold IberEngine harmless and indemnify IberEngine for any damages that may result from the total or partial loss of the information or data stored in the product sent to IberEngine for repair, and the Merchant shall be obliged to verify or warn the relevant third parties of the obligation to make a backup copy of all data and information stored in the product at their own risk prior to delivery for repair.

        Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that the manufacturer has a technical service for the relevant product, the Merchant must contact it directly as indicated in section 4.8.1. above.
      • 4.8.6.
        In any case, the Merchant must have a code or reference number identifying the authorisation for the repair, and the Merchant must include this code or reference on the outside of the package in a visible place and in a clear and identifiable manner.

        IberEngine may refuse shipments that are received without the indicated reference code or number, or when they are sent by a transport service other than the one indicated by IberEngine.

        When the repair of the product is covered by the warranty, once the product has been repaired, it will be sent to the Merchant. If repair is not possible, the product will be replaced or paid for.
      • 4.8.7.
        When the repair or replacement of the product is not covered by the corresponding warranty, IberEngine may take charge of the repair, for which the Merchant will be informed to authorise the repair according to the estimate, reserving IberEngine the right to request a provision of funds as a prerequisite for the commencement of the estimated work. Furthermore, the repaired products may remain in the possession of IberEngine until the price and costs of the corresponding repair have been paid. If a period of 30 days passes without the amounts owed for these concepts being paid, IberEngine may proceed as indicated in the second paragraph of the following section.

        When the Merchant refuses the repair of the product not covered by the warranty, IberEngine may require the Merchant to pay for the labour involved in the verification or testing of the corresponding product, with the Merchant expressly accepting that the verification or testing of each product unit will be invoiced at a minimum amount equivalent to €30 for 30 minutes of work at a rate of €60 per hour, without prejudice to taxes, shipping costs, or other associated expenses that the Merchant must pay.

        The resulting amount will be sent via invoice to the Merchant for payment upon receipt, and IberEngine may offset the owed amount with any other amount that may be due to the Merchant for any other reason.
      • 4.8.8.
        Products not covered by warranty will only be returned to the Merchant once they have paid the corresponding shipping costs or arranged for the transport at their own expense, with IberEngine not advancing any amount for this purpose nor assuming responsibility to third parties regarding such shipments.

        When the Merchant is not interested in the repair of products not covered by the warranty, they must take charge of these products as indicated in the previous paragraph as soon as they are informed that the products are not covered by the warranty, understanding that if 30 days pass without them taking charge of their removal, they abandon them, in which case IberEngine may dispose of them, without prejudice to the expenses and costs that this may entail, which may be claimed from the Merchant, particularly all those recycling or destruction costs that IberEngine must bear as a result of applicable environmental regulations.

        In no case may the residual value or amount corresponding to the abandoned goods be offset against other debts or amounts that the Merchant owes to IberEngine for other reasons.
  • 5. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction.
    All sales conducted through the website www.iberengine.es are subject to Spanish law.
    In the event that any conflict or discrepancy arises in the interpretation or application of these contractual conditions, the Courts and Tribunals that will, as applicable, hear the matter will be those provided by the applicable legal regulations regarding competent jurisdiction, which, in the case of final consumers, will refer to the place of fulfilment of the obligation or the domicile of the purchasing party.
    All sales conducted through the website www.iberengine.es are subject to Spanish law. In the event that any conflict or discrepancy arises in the interpretation or application of these contractual conditions, the Courts and Tribunals that will, as applicable, hear the matter will be those provided by the applicable legal regulations regarding competent jurisdiction, which, in the case of final consumers, will refer to the place of fulfilment of the obligation or the domicile of the purchasing party. If the purchasing party is domiciled outside of Spain, or if the sale is conducted by a party that does not qualify as a consumer, both parties submit, with express waiver of any other jurisdiction, to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Móstoles (Spain), with Spanish law applying, and, where applicable, the conditions expressly agreed upon between IberEngine and the party that does not hold the status of a consumer.

Last update: 20/09/2023